McKethens R Us

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Sundays are our favorite day of the week. We get to hang out & do things as a family since Mom & Dad both have the day off.

Lil' Lawnmower

Matthew loves to help Daddy mow the grass. Our yard is so "big" it cut the time it takes down from 5 minutes to 3. :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Back in Action

The fall didn't keep me down for long & I was back in full force by the next day.

Tough Guy

This pic was taken shortly after my 1st bar fight. If you think I look should have seen the other guy!! :)
Actually, I took a tumble on the pavement. It hurt, but I didn't even cry.

My 1st Bike

M.J. & Shadow

Here's Lookin' at You!